See if domains are available for registration
Change old IP addresses to the IPv6 standard.
Save Craigslist searches to be executed later
Find HTML and file links within sites.
List path of files on a FTP server.
Download files and subfolders from FTP sites.
Download entire web sites to your computer.
Download several images by specific words.
Download all images found on web sites.
Download multiple files from web to folders.
Extract ID from many YouTube URLs
Synchronize a local folder with a FTP server.
Map several addresses on one Google Map.
Change the filenames of one or more HTMLs
Change case of HTML tags in multiple files.
Query multiple IP addresses to find country.
Convert multiple IP addresses to DNS.
Vertically append multiple HTML files.
Bring up a list of web sites quickly.
Lookup/query details for a list of domains.
Scan ports quickly to see which are open.
Print many HTML files without opening.
Quickly upload and download files with FTPs.
Have text from a web site read aloud.
Record web sites visited with IE and Firefox.
Save content within one or more RSS feeds.
Save images and videos that were viewed.
Save content of one or more HTML as text.
Save content of one or more web sites.
Copy text from multiple websites quickly.
Send SMS messages files or folders change.
Split long spaceless domain names.
Remove HTML tags from one or more HTML files.
Query multiple addresses to find owner info.
Find frequency of each word in many web sites

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